
By antti

4 something

Remembering old stuff.

16. Old stuff

My parents have a summer gottage at Northern Karelia, eastern Finland, 60 miles from the Russian border. It's just a cabin by a clear lake, nothing fancy. When you swim, you can see the bottom of the lake up to 6 meters. The water is freezing, but clear.

So, there I was a few years ago. It was may, if I remember it correctly. I was visiting my parents at Joensuu. I got bored, went to a bar and picked up a girl. I spent the night at her place and asked what would she be doing for the next few days. "Nothing," she responded. So I took her to the cabin.

We spent 5 days swimming, fucking and having a sauna there. For 5 days. No worries & no real life. Just summer & 18 hours of sun a day. And fucking. She had her nipples pearced. We listened to the radio (battery powered, the cabin has no electricity) and I chopped wood for the fireplace. I took her to my arms. She took me to hers.

We never got bored.

I Haven't seen her since. On monday, I took the train back to Helsinki.

I miss that.

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