Cupboard of Joy
The goûter (snack) cupboard has been getting out of hand. Today, TallGirl installed order by eating all the biscuits where there was only one left, and throwing out everything that looked suspicious. The bottom shelf is for cereal and (as TG pointed out quite forcefully) contains SIX packets of oats and FOUR packets of wraps. It may be that I should do more looking in the cupboard before shopping.
Anyway two HUGE bits of news today. In chronological order:
1. I finally planted a hedge. I have three hedges to do, and today number one was finished. Granted, it is the shortest and - containing as it does two bushes - it only barely qualifies as a hedge. But it's a start...
2. I won against Orange France. I pretty much guarantee that sentence has never been typed before. By pointing out just how much money I pay them every year, I have convinced them to let me spend just a wee bit more. Ok, so it's a Pyrrhic victory since, having calculated how much I pay them every year, I now want to switch to someone cheaper who has customer service that responds quicker than in two months... And that's about 30 hours of my time that I'll never get back, certainly not at their upload speeds.
In other news, gorgeous day - nothing like blue skies to lift the mood. And Mr B is currently returning from Munich on New York time after very little sleep. Sometimes I think the jetset life is less than it's cracked up to be. (Though he did say the Lufthansa customer service was fab, given the strike. I can't say either of us has had a similar experience with Air France or BA.)
While trying to keep him awake entertaining him on FaceTime from Munich airport, I read him out a lot of the Guardian (well, how else would he see it). Monbiot had a great column on scary things facing the world. Number 9 almost made my heart stop.... Read if you dare.
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