
Ohmigosh it is so cold here just now. On the way home from the childminder I usually push CyclopsJnr half way in the buggy then we walk the rest, and today he was pestering me to get out. I told him it was too slippy but he came back with 'wellies grip" and I was so impressed with his argument that I let him out. He was on his arse within a metre. "You push me home now Mummy" he said, getting back in the buggy.

I bought CyclopsJnr a CBeebies comic today, mainly because it came with a toy chip and pin machine. CyclopsJnr enjoys playing shop so I thought it might add to the game. Yes it did, we enjoyed playing with that for a while.

But more surprisingly we spent about half an hour reading and talking about the comic itself. 

Some stickers were enclosed and CyclopsJnr set about this pictured activity with some enthusiasm. You had to match the sticker to a picture of a CBeebies character to make it look as if they were riding the bus. He was able to select the stickers and tell me correctly where to put them, then he did the last ones himself. You'll be able to identify which he did! But, he's never shown any will, patience or ability doing anything like that before so it was pleasing and good fun.

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