Jess & Molly Law

By jml

Voting with her tongue

A couple of months ago, Jess needed to have her teeth examined by the vet. The plaque had built up to an extent that was causing her problems with her gums.

On Friday, she had to go back for a check-up. We were told that the plaque was beginning to show again; and that it would be best to use a mouth-wash. A capful in her water, morning and night.

We have been 'doctoring' the water-bowls for both of them. Since Friday, neither has shown any interest in their usual bowls! Instead, they have been drinking from the trough in the garden, or from any convenient puddle.

And, as this blip shows, from the 'spare' bowl which sits by the front door, just in case someone feels thirsty. Usually, it is not touched for several days, only getting emptied when we refresh the contents. Now, however, it has become the favourite watering-hole.

If they don't take their pills, we know how to get round that problem: cheese. But how do we make them take the mouth-wash?

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