Little Bell

After a damp, cool morning this afternoon has heated up and clouds have disappeared. Feels like about 25c right now. The trouble is we have Nor-West gale now. The house felt like it was going to blow away just then!

I was to have gone to my Lawyers today to update my Will. They rang to say they would call on me seeing I would have had trouble getting up their stairs. That was good of them.

After lunch I made my Christmas Cake. It is smelling wonder cooking away. I cook it slow and for a long time.

This lovely bell flower my father gave me years ago. I have only one plant left. You can get them in blue and also a single white one. This one is double. Sorry I don't know its name. Someone in Blip-land may know.

I have my appointment for the Sportsmed Doctor, December 7. So a bit of a wait.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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