Torse de Femme

J.D. Fergusson 1918, Fergusson Gallery Perth

Early start in a grey Glasgow driving towards a sunny Perth.
We wanted to visits few museums there and most of all for me the Fergusson Gallery. I had seen some of his paintings in exhibitions on the Scottish colourists in the past years in Glasgow and Edinburgh but I wanted to see more and learn more about him. And I was also captivated by the pictures of the sculpture outside the gallery, so my blip is an homage to that. He and his wife Margaret Morris known for her pioneering work in modern dance, had a fascinating life. Pure creative energy, you can feel it from the paintings and the sculptures.
If you want to know more see this booklet that also tell the story behind the building that houses the gallery, that was a waterworks designed by architect Adam Anderson who wrote also the quote "Aquam Igne et Aqua Haurio" (by fire and water I draw water)

Back late in a sunny Glasgow

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