Lali's World

By Lali

A unique camera

This vintage unique and beautiful camera doesn't belong to me, by the way, it belongs to Scott. Today I only managed to take a couple of photos of the beautiful sky outside the distillery with my mobile phone, but I didn't want to bore you with another beautiful sky, so I decided to take a picture of this beauty.

Work was rather quiet, which is normal at this time of year.

This morning I started my day with a nose bleed. I get them sometimes, nothing serious, which reminded me of the first time I had a nose bleed. I was in France, I remember. Just out of the blue, one day, blood started gushing out of my nose. Of course I was worried. At the time it happened I didn't have Internet access and the only number I had I could call was the NHS one. I was shocked because when asking how to stop the nose bleed they told me that they couldn't help me because I was in France and not in the UK. I could have bled to death, the woman on the phone didn't care, I was not in the UK and that was it! So my nose kept bleeding. Eventually it stopped but it took a while. Later on, I learned how to stop a nose bleed, which is very simple. To this day, I still can't believe the woman on the phone didn't care to tell me. But anyway.... that was a few years ago.

Not surprised, by the way, but some stickers someone had put on the bus seats that said "multiculturalism is genocide"...

Anyway. Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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