You give me fever

Urgh, day 2 of Asha being 4am we were up with her giving her medecine - she had a temp of 39.9 and has yo-yod between that and normality all day... Cancelled my stuff for today and just stayed in with her... Popped out to Caña Club later to see if a change of scenery & fresh air would clear the headache I'd had all day (it didn't). One of those days you're glad to see the back of!
Blip is the only pic I took today, of some shared Provolone & french bread...tasty!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha eating some tea tonight...she's had no appetite at all...hoping this is a good sign & that we have a good night & good day tomorrow...
2) Seeing Claire & Zu at Caña Club...was good to get out of the flat after 2 days indoors.
3) Writing our update for people who pray for us & support the work here - realising how much is quietly happening.

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