
By Appreciation

Deid Birds

The setting was not nearly as pretty today.  I could hardly make out the farm house through the driving rain and the bridge was almost obliterated by the fast rising water levels.

Thankfully I was inside today.  I peeled vegetables for over an hour - the pigs were thrilled when I took the peelings to them.  They snuffled and snorted their way through them. It was just like having the children home.

Little Molly was quite demented today and whined almost constantly. She reminded me of my dad demanding another scone as he was sure he hadn't yet had one.  Molly was desperate for potato peelings.

My last job was to clear the freezer shed of any mice, dead or alive.  I'm not very squeamish and this task never concerns me.  I opened the door and set to work and  only when I turned quickly round did these little beauties catch me with their claws.  

It's fair to say I squealed like a pig!

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