wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

First snow on a rake

The snow arrived last night on my way home from the gig at Andy's.
by the time I woke up this morning the world was a bit whiter.
It's always so pretty the first time. I think it's because you know it's not serious. It's a tease of what is to come. It doesn't cloak everything, it covers lightly, teasing us with glimpses of what was and gives a preview of what is to come.
I took today off. The day after an Andy's gig is a tough wake up. So what happened? Yeah I woke up at 400 and read until about 8. I still had a fun day.
Thanksgiving is this week. We will be eating at my sister Laurie's. I am heading down Wednesday to make pies and pizelles.
With my Mom and Dad gone everything is so different. Holidays are ok however there is a hollow feeling in a small corner of my heart. I really miss my Dad this year as it's the first without him.
Life goes on.
Good morning down under and good night to the north.

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