Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

The deed hoose...

..on the quayside at North Shields...
This has been behind scaffolding for months - it's an old smoke house turned into an architect's office, and those wonderful windows will illuminate his working space beautifully! Also planned, allegedly, is a glassmaker's studio and a cafe with an amazing view over the Tyne - but the inside is yet to be completed... we await the results with impatience!

A man stopped me to ask if I knew what it was, and when I explained he said " does he know it used to be a deed hoose?" I didn't quite understand him, and when I asked him to repeat himself he said "a dead house... where they keep the bodies..." So I guess that's where they were stored while they awaited burial - but I'll have to look it up ;)
For MonoMonday: Illuminate today - thanks to TheAphid for hosting!

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