Battlesbridge, Essex

Wondering what to do with such a write-off weather wise sort of a day, bro and I decided to go to Battlesbridge to the sprawling antiques centre there, to see what's what and have lunch.  It turned out to be a most enjoyable day even though the sky was laden with rain that never quite fell, and the temperature was grim.  We had a delicious lunch and a pint of IPA in the Barge Inn (rubbish picture taken through glass from the multiple storied old mill antiques centre) and decided we will be returning before long. In the rambling antique stores, all housed in various barns, outhouses and C18th former homes around the village green, I bought a chest of drawers that is pyramid shape and 5' high.  Weird.  Probably from the fifties, great for storing the small stuff. Collect on Tuesday.  Saw a lovely Edwardian display cabinet, tempted, but walked away.  Bro narrowly missed, literally by twenty minutes, buying the coffee table of his dreams - circa late 60's, beautiful ceramic tiles and stainless steel. but he did manage to sell an item taken with us.  

Battlesbridge runs by the River Crouch, where I also took some photos of seriously decaying boats, which ought to have made an arty farty grunge shot on such a grismal day, but didn't. 

Quiet evening, talking with bro, half watching tv and still digesting lunch, for which Adnams "Ghost Ship" helped. 

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