Ruth's Challenge 60 fotos

By Ruth60

Peppa Pig World

With Eve and the 3 girls. Lots of traffic to get there, but worth it as the girls thoroughly enjoyed seeing the characters and going on the rides. Lovely day. We could be travelling in a campervan like this. Done it before in Australia and could be part of the magical mystery tour.

It's 9 weeks since we re-homed Skips, 8 since we last saw her and 7 since she packed her bags and left her new home. Not had a phone call with any sightings for a week now. Still going hunting though in the area! Also still look at the back door whenever I get home and check the garden! I miss my fluffy baby. Can't bear the thought I'll never see her again.

I'm taking a picture a day throughout 2012 to raise money for the MS Resource Centre. June 2012 would have been my mum's 60 b'day but sadly she died from MS 12 years ago. It's quick and easy to donate by text - send chal60 £1 to 70070. (UK only)

To find out about the other challenges we're doing, or to donate online from anywhere in the world Thanks

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