Another Work in Progress
When we first moved here we were going to take this fountain/water feature out because we didn't like it very much, but when we discovered that the birds love it we started liking it a lot better. I can stand at the kitchen window and watch first the hummingbirds then the woodpeckers and finally the finches take their turns at the spa.
I did, however imagine some tallish feathery pond plants to soften the effect of all that stone. We found the perfect thing...papyrus... about six months ago, but OilMan demurred,, claiming he couldn't deal with any plants until he removed all the rocks, took apart the pump, changed the that time I knew they wouldn't have any papyrus.
I gave up on the whole thing (not gracefully) until it suddenly became his idea. he removed all the rocks, took apart the pump and changed the filter and tomorrow Pedro is coming to remove the agaves behind it, which will leave a muddy hole just a day before the family arrives for Thanksgiving.
Back we went to the pond plant place and of course they didn't have any papyrus. I refused to have anything more to do with it, Rick attempted to mediate saying it was a fun place to visit, and Dana wandered off to check out the conifers. OilMan brought the two plants that are immersed in the water fearing there would be hell to pay if he didn't buy something....
He also bought a new pump...
I'm not finished yet....
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