Border Collie Event 2012
Another long day!
I collected Jacky Lloyd - the breed show judge from yesterday - in her hotel at 8.30 and took her to the show ground. I looked after her whilst she judged and made sure all ran smoothly in the show ring.
When the breed show was over, I took her for lunch and then I had some time to look after my own dogs and enjoy the other competitions - agility, obedience and rally obedience.
In the afternoon, we had some fun classes in the breed ring - highest held tail, biggest pricked ears, best movements, best colour etc. It was good fun.
In the evening, we had our AGM (and I left the Border Collie Club Committee after 13 years!) and a BBQ dinner.
I took Jacky back to her hotel at about 7 pm and now I am exhausted and so are the dogs!
My collage today:
The big picture is Hero and I... There is nothing like a big Hero hug :-)
In the middle it is Beat and I... Mmmm I got a Beat hug too!
Bottom left corner: Hero flirting with Bylgja, the Icelandic Sheepdog.
2nd picture from the top to the right: A granddaughter to my old boy Robbie. She did really well at the show today - she placed 2nd in her class.
The puppy on the picture in the middle of the bottom line is also closely related to my dogs.
Besides from those pictures, there is an obedience picture, an agility dog, a dog doing rally obedience and a very young junior handler!
Night night
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys + Bridie
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