A day in the life

By Shelling


Möllevångstorget, the most lively square in Malmö, famous for its lively vegetable market every day, except on sundays. Today is sunday. Surrounding the square are hundreds of restuaurants, nearly all run by immigrants from all over the world, mostly the eastern part. It's a very colourful place in spring and summertime, you'll hear languages from all over the world. Today is a sunday in mid november, it's cold, windy and the raing hangs loose in the clouds, hardly anyone speaks on the square today, most of the people are in the shops, cafés, restaurants or at home. With a growing immigration new habits come into the swedish society. Most swedes are positive and welcome the different cultures and integrates them in swedish daily life. Gradually the society changes, as it has always done where ever migration takes place. Of corse problems arises where cultures meet, not all swedes are happy about immigrants and among the immigrants themselves there are conflicts. The city of Malmö are working hard on integration, making the transition into swedish society as smooth as possible. Of corse it is difficult but progress is inevitable. Personally I'm happy about the new blood influencing our country. But, today is sunday in mid november...

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