Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Saturday -- Ashly & Robert's Wedding

Twenty-eight years ago, Ashly had the privilege as our first grandchild of giving us the title of grandparents. 

These two young adults have been engaged for 18 months and they have been dating for almost four years. Ashly knew from the moment she started making wedding plans that she wanted the ceremony to be in her daddy's back yard. Her smile and her laughter throughout this celebration were the real indication that she was immensely pleased with the result of all her plans and the hard work of many people, but especially her dad. 

The back yard has been seriously transformed in the past 12 months and every part of the yard looked beautiful. The weather, which is always an unknown, was absolutely perfect. The day before it had been a little too hot and today there was a thin veil of clouds in front of the sun and that kept the temperature just cool enough for comfort. 

Everyone sat at tables which were elegantly covered in cloths of various shades of blue. There were approximately 100 people and everyone was present for the picture taking moment after the celebration because all the tables were right there and that photography moment, which can often be quite boring while everyone is waiting for the couple, turned into a group event with almost all the guests participating and cheering on those that were being positioned for photos. 

I would like to include a much larger collage of photos but I think the two I have selected tell the visual story quite well. 

I had the privilege of being with Ash when she made her dress selection (see my Blip of 09/13/15) and had the grandmotherly wisdom at that moment to offer to pay for the dress (I had first asked if the price tag was reasonable and not something outlandish like five grand). So I knew it was under a thousand and because I am still working and not retired, I had the means to pay for it. I once heard that a person needs two things to be a grandparent: candy and cash. Many times over the years, Mr. Fun and I have  provided a little of both and it was delightful this time to make that investment into our granddaughter's life. 

Along with Ashly & Robert we were very pleased with the wonderful celebration that their wedding was for all who attended. 

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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