Steam on Chirk Viaduct

This is the Christmas Cheshireman double header steam train hauled by two Black Fives. It was a return trip between Bristol and Chester. I went to Chirk Viaduct to see it as it's close to where I live. This is it from the top.

It was an hour late arriving and it was FREEZING with rain and hail as well as a little sun. It was between showers when it crossed the  viaduct.

It took on water at Chirk Station so dashed over there to see it. Everyone got drenched as the heavens opened!

The friend that told me about it was after a photo a few miles away. He sheltered from the rain under a tree and missed the train go by so drove to the next station. He couldn't park so missed it there too which was a shame.

The extras are of a very well placed pair of bicycles cycling along the aqueduct towpath taken while I was waiting for the train . The other is one that was taken at the station. 

I have backblipped yesterday's Rainbow at Venus Pool.

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