Even the weeping trees feel sick

#3 fits today

sick, adjective,

1. the children are sick:  ill, unwell, poorly, ailing, indisposed, not oneself; off; informal laid up, under the weather.  

2. he was feeling sick:  nauseous, nauseated, queasy, bilious, green around/at the gills; seasick, carsick, airsick, travel-sick; informal about to throw up.

3. informal, we're just sick about it:  disappointed, depressed, dejected, despondent, downcast, unhappy; angry, cross, annoyed, displeased, disgruntled, fed up. 

4. I'm sick of this music:  fed up with, bored with, tired of, weary of.

5. informal,  a sick joke: macabre, black, ghoulish, morbid, perverted, gruesome, sadistic, cruel.

PHRASES, be sick,  I'm going to be sick: vomit, throw up, retch, heave, gag; informal hurl, puke, spew, spit up, barf, upchuck, toss one's cookies.

For the Record,
This day came in damp and warm for late November.

All hands despondent. Rump's Cabinet choices continue to cause dismay and terror.

Last night at the Broadway play, Hamilton, the cast had a message for VP Elect Pence who was in the audience.

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