Placid Casual

By Barnaby_Nutt

station view

taken on a walk around kepno. this building has been converted into flats and is right next to the station.
the station is a fantastically atmospheric place and i would love to take photos of people there. unfortunately, because there appears to be only one train every couple of days, there is never anyone around.
here is an effort from a previous visit

poland continues to be a place of contradictions. the country obviously has some money. individuals have money. and yet the whole place seems to be falling down, filthy and pretty dangerous. sure the city centres have had more spent on them, i guess trying to get the tourist trade moving, but get a couple of streets back from the main shopping areas and it is the same.
today i watched two men loading a giant new lcd tv into a vw polo that had obviously been around the world a dozen times. their car, clothes and the way they spoke suggested that they weren't too well off, but it was a mega tv that they had chosen to make their lot a better one.
kepno itself is in the process of restoring the rynek. the townhall is rebuilt and looks great. around it, there are acres of block paving being laid. the paving job has been underway for more than a year already and is perhaps 20% complete. one gets the feeling that the enthusiasm will run out of this job too and the holes and piles of granite will be there forever.

it is fascinating the places that blip can take you. yesterday, i was reading the master mariner's blip about catenary which, as predicted took me too wikipedia. in turn, i learned about the gateway arch in st. louis which took me on to the story of kenneth swyers. here is a bloke who parachuted from 10,000ft onto the top of the arch, 630ft up and only 30ft wide. he landed it but then a gust of wind caught his chute and he began sliding down one of the legs of the arch. on the way down he even tried opening his reserve chute. that idea didn't work and he died on impact

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