
By RavensRoost

Sagebrush Autumn

These dry country plants, bushes and brush enliven this landscape in fall with their myriad shapes, textures and variety of muted colors. 

Sagebrush is in the Artemesia plant family, and there are sixteen different species. It provides critical habitat for wild birds and other species. 

From Why Care About America's Sagebrush, "Small mammals such as pygmy rabbits and sagebrush voles, reptiles including the sagebrush lizard, birds of prey such as golden eagles, and game species such as pronghorn antelope, mule deer and elk all rely on sage-steppe habitat....many unique insects, spiders, plants and lichens are associated with the sagebrush community." (https://www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/factsheets/sage-steppe_022814.pdf)

Being part of Blip has expanded my knowledge of the wider world as well as my own little corner of this blue planet. 

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