welcome home, mama...
is the greeting i got from miss mollie-boo
as i entered my house today - coming home from the rehab hospital after just - nearly a full week of being there, and of course several days of being in the hospital after my hip replacement surgery - my little boo-bear (yet another term of endearment i use with her) was super pleased - to see me, her body twitching and thrilling as - i reached down to stroke her - it didn't take long for a purr to begin deep in her throat - a sign of sheer pleasure for a kitty-boo
it is so fabulous to be home - in my own environment - with my own smells - my own things around me - no hospital stuff, know what i mean? - no one just randomly walking through my door unasked - you don't realize how much you miss these kinds of things - until they are removed from you - don't get me wrong - this choice i made - and it was my choice to go there after my surgery - was a smart decision - i got very good care, the therapy i received really - provided me with a head start to assist me - with learning to walk again, retraining my muscles - and building my level of confidence - more so than if i'd just come straight home instead - it's when we make these kinds of decisions for ourselves - as difficult as they may be - that end up allowing us to have...
happy day.....
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