City Lights

Yesterday as we were walking to lunch in Boston's Downtown Crossing, we watched as workmen put the finishing touches on the big Christmas tree being installed above the Macy's entrance.  It was all lit up with hundreds of little red lights, and I thought it would make a great blip for today once it got dark enough to really show the whole effect at its best.

So, this evening I walked over there again, camera at the ready ... only to discover the tree was completely in the dark!  They must have had the lights on yesterday to check them, but perhaps they don't plan on turning them on properly until after Thanksgiving?

So what you have instead is a picture of a tiny little Christmas tree in a planter, with some very subtle blue lights, and some more brightly lit, larger trees in the background.

Earlier today as we were walking the dogs on Boston Common, there was a loud commotion of truck horns, and then we saw a huge tractor trailer hauling an enormous balsam.  A large sign proclaimed it was the official Boston Christmas tree being delivered fresh from Nova Scotia.  It was being given a police escort to the State House, and I'm sure we'll see news coverage this evening, as there were also a couple of helicopters hovering overhead.

STILL dickering with the seller over price and other real estate details ... fingers and toes chronically cramped after so many days of being crossed!

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