Over Yonder

By Stoffel

For The Birds

My Dear Fellow,

An evening out with Princess Normal. I had asked the Princess if she wanted to see "Doctor Strange". She replied with some rude comment about "Benedict Lovelypants". I took that as a yes.

So it was a fun evening, including a meal at Henricks, the movie and drinks afterward. But - and here was the part that freaked me out a bit - the Princess organised all of it.


Maybe I'm just one of nature's organisers, maybe it's because I'm a dude with a lot of chick friends but I always organise most, if not all of our nights out. 

I mentioned this to the Princess and also that - although I loved it - it kind of made me feel like "the bird" in our relationship tonight.

"You are aware you've grown a vagina over the course of the evening," she replied.

I should know better than to mention things like this to the Princess. 

El P.

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