Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


Albert Einstein defines insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Here at chez TMG, we have a different definition: Stuck in the house for an entire weekend with 2 toddlers one running a 101+ degree fever. Not fun times, I assure you.

This crazy Curious George photo is a reflection of my current attitude. Strangely, it appears that George is giving the viewer the finger, but he isn't.

We had about a foot on Friday/Saturday and expect the same today. Not sure if you can see it in the picture, but it is really coming down hard now.

This morning, we resorted to a trip to Kmart simply to use it as an indoor playground! Now we are back home and looking toward another housebound afternoon.

As they said in the old commercial: Calgon take me away!

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