Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104



Just a shot of some IKEA fabric - when I stare at it, it reminds me of how I felt: dazed and confused for most of the day.....!
Again, I was the only one from our team left at the store - and it was a Bank Holiday in Czech Republic - so it was mad busy!
The problem I had was that I don't speak any Czech and not many of the staff spoke English, so I wasn't a great deal of help without an interpreter - and he kept disappearing.
After what felt like an eternity, I headed to the airport around 5pm and then had 4 hours to wait until my flight. Uneventful trip home, landed on time and finally got home around 11pm.
I'm SO glad to be home as I now have a "travel free week" - hurrah!!

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