755. Midnight..snack......
I saw some wonderful examples of selfies (my current obsession) in a rather nice magazine from the Royal Photographic Society...which caught my interest and as I often indulge in nocturnal Blips...I thought they might lend themselves to a little experiment....
One of the most fun ones involved getting a selfie from inside an oven...which I decided not to try as it seemed to involve actually having the oven switched on....I have no idea how it was done without burning the camera...but the fridge one was much easier to try out! After a few failed attempts to get anything vaguely useful...I managed to get this one of me grabbing a midnight snack of yoghurt!
I had a very pleasant day today meeting up with an old friend I used to work with in Dunfermline....and we both realised that it was this time last year when we got together...I can't believe it's been a year and we agreed not to leave it that long again.....
Thankfully my cold is now subsiding and hopefully soon I will be able to actually lie down and breathe at the same time...a feat which seems beyond me at the moment...
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