Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

How did that get past security?

When you open the cupboard door at work and find this staring at you ....

Someone's 'avin a larf, as we say in South London. But then it is only 37 days, 5 hours and 26 minutes away according to the Christmas Countdown clock. And I have no plans, have done no shopping, am totally unsighted on it this year.

Work was a little bit tricky today. Too many rough edges, too many splinters, niggles and knobbly bits ... And a brief failure of IT that caused some anxiety for deadline management.

The Dizzle decided to do a bit of big time garage cleaning. Cats enjoyed his company. But it gets very cold, very quickly after dark. And quite a few people are carrying coughs and colds at work. I had a sudden picture in my head as we were driving home of what a proper pandemic flu must be like, like the one in 1918 that killed off between 3 and 5 percent of the world's population.

Cheerful thoughts as we go into Christmas ... Sorry ... but 2016 has been such a disastrous year that you can't help feeling it will have one last sting in the tail ...

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