View Through My Lens...

By boyzee

OMG - How Hot?

Why does the English weather do this to us?

From a dismal summer to now a too hot summer!!!! Apologies for being a bit bliplazy recently, inspiration has been wilting (a bit like
plants in this weather!!) and I am reaching a crescendo on a work project which has to be submitted next Friday and I am under a bit of pressure (albeit perhaps a bit self induced, but nonetheless feeling it!) Add to that Mrs Boyzee not feeling well and Hannah and Charlie are whining a lot just makes for the desire for a cool quite and dark room quite high!!!

The good news was that Julia, my sister in law, allowed me to accompany her on her morning run, and it was a nice run though my left heel is very sore now :'( Thank goodness for ibuprofen and frozen peas!!!

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