When I saw that the subject for Abstract Thursday this week was “Fauvism” I decided that I couldn’t do it and would give it a miss - but then I started thinking that if I only ever did things that were in my comfort zone, what would I learn?

I thought my hair and make up looked quite good this morning and decided that a selfie might work for the challenge so here is my offering for Fauvism - the definition for which is : “A movement in painting typified by the work of Matisse and characterised by vivid colors, free treatment of form, and a resulting vibrant and decorative effect”.  If it’s good enough for Matisse, it’s good enough for me!

We’re having our hair cut later today so hope our hairdresser won’t be too upset by the colour of mine!

Both Mr. HCB and I went to bed last night with an aching arm - mine isn’t too bad but his is still achey and he has a headache, so I have persuaded him that he should have a couple of paracetamols.

This quote from the master painter resonated with me:

Seek for the boldest colour possible,
     content is irrelevant.

Henri Matisse : 1869-1954

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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