In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


No I have not found religion, quite the opposite thank you.
Today's blip is dedicated to Pussy Riot, and their disgusting treatment at the hands of the Russian bullies.
For what?
Reciting their Punk Prayer in a church.
Well they maybe disturbing the peace and breaking the law, but the act of the church telling the Putin what to do is despicable.
Not very christian is it. But then again a lot of religion is not, and if they don't get their own way they are not happy and blame everything and everyone else for the ills of the world instead of themselves.
" It is not religion that causes problems they say, but some bad religious people ."
Well I am sorry, but if there was no religion then, some of the world's problems would have never existed.
As Mark Twain, wrote, " Bad people do bad things, good people do good things, but only relogion makes otherwise good people do bad things.
The church in the picture has nothing to do with Pussy Riot, nor Russia, it is just symbolic.

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