Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Moving the sheep

I'm not sure how many people were involved in moving a big flock of sheep (these are just a select few) but there were 6 dogs at work.  They gathered them together from a number of fields and then along the road ( see Extra photo)

It was great to see man and dog working so well together though they did have an interesting moment ahead when the flock went straight on at the next junction instead of right down the hill to the farm.  The dogs soon turned them and the sheep flew down the road to the next big gate ( not the farm) .  The sheep or at least the older sheep knew where they wanted to go.

In other news:
Sky Broadband back on after 19 hours - a break in a fibre link was quickly found but someone ( another utility company ?) have covered the manhole they needed to get into and the whole job involved a road closure to dig through to get access. Good job done to make up for someone's bad job.

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