
My Dear Fellow,

Should you venture into the gents in "Teuchter's" on William Street, I urge you not to whip out your camera. You will get funny looks.

And anyway, I have already done it for you! Here is a poster in the khazi, depicting an Edinburgh pub crawl. 

At first glance I thought it started in Leith and ended up in the city centre, but actually I can't make rhyme nor reason of it. It seems to go all over the place. 

Perhaps it is like "pub bingo" and you're just supposed to hit as many of these locations as you can. Disappointingly, I haven't visited that many out of them. Perhaps it is because I find a pub I like and just stick with it. 

Now that I look closer, I do not see The Heb in there. That is somewhat disappointing, given the key role it played in my life. However, I see "The Jeckyll & Hyde" in there even though it is now NO MORE. I wonder if the toilets are still as hard to find under new management?

But I'm glad to see The Bow is in there, and the Barony and The Jolly Judge. They are the bars of which I am very fond, partly because they are good and partly because of the memories associated with them.

Ah memories, blurry, blurry, memories. How many of them do you remember, I wonder?

El P.

p.s. I think I may be going to "The Merlin" for the first time ever on Thursday! BINGO! HOUSE! Etc!

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