Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It's all Lunar, see ...

Mrs W.  does not generally need much encouragement to act weird in the office and today was no exception. But as weird goes this is awesome. There is something about the long fingers, the tongue from another dimension and the sheer scariness of those chocolate biscuit eyes  that, when all put together, channels something Johnny Deppish from Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland. Interestingly they do not match; it is as if the Mad Hatter has given her one black eye (or should that be an 84% cocoa dark chocolate organic Venezuelan eye?).

Much amusement in the office today at the widely reported NHS IT farce where someone managed to generate millions of emails from an obscure corner of London. Good to know that Croydon can still be good for something other than riots, IKEA and dodgy shopping centres. What was more surprising than the original email was that so many people actually replied to it causing an exponential spawning of IT traffic. I bet there are a few malignant hackers out there who are grumbling that they didn't think of it first; rather like the election of Donald Trump as President of the US it shows that stupidity and happenstance with the connivance of the masses can still put one over on intelligence and reason. No contest in fact.

Two weeks today since we let the cats loose on Felixhaven (or AlCATraz as I called it in conversation today).  No escapes or incidents yet despite now leaving the cat flap open overnight. Although it was cloudy yesterday evening they were both out there late into the evening basking in the curious glow of the supermoon as it lit up their backyard territory. Gazing out on them it suddenly occurred to me that 2016's nightmare (Brexit and Trump) could in fact be due to this 68 year old last nearest proximity of earth's satellite . 

Lunacy as a word derives from a belief that the moon produces madness, so it all fits. Supermoon? 2016 really has been the year the world spun out of its orbit ...

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