Polly Dog

Followers of my Journal will be aware that Polly dog had an operation on a front leg on 4th November.  This was to remove a growth that had appeared. Today we revisited the vet to have her stitches removed and the procedure was pronounced a success. The vet also had the result of the biopsy on the growth.  Sadly it has been declared that it is a malignant melanoma. The fact that it has been removed, along with sufficient surrounding tissue is a 'good thing' and now all we can do is to see how things develop.
As you can see in today's blip - she is still a bright and alert Polly dog. We are still reeling from the news but are encouraged by her 'normality'.
She is over 12 years old and has led a very fit and active life - to discover she has this cancer is something of a shock - but as long as she has an acceptable quality of life, she will still feature in my and Mrs. MD's blips.

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