Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

752. Selfie with Arron....

Finally out with my new camera after having a strop with it yesterday about my Mac and iPad no longer reading the Camera RAW files....Panasonic haven't exactly been helpful and all I've been told is to update my software...and that they only recommend Silkypix for processing RAW on their cameras....which is a bit limited!  Photoshop and Lightroom are handling the RAW files without difficulty and I'm quite confident that there will be an update from Apple at some point in the near future....
The new camera has a swivel screen so that you can do selfies (what else would you expect in this day and age?) so Arron and I decided to test it out....here's the result...he actually did pull quite a few faces...partly because he's used to using Snapchat....which apparently adds animal faces and such like...so he was waiting to see himself looking like a puppy or whatever!  We had great fun with it so I decided that this would be my Blip for today and that more serious stuff would follow at some point!
I also dropped off my film to be developed and it will be back in a couple of weeks time...not quick...but the images might be interesting!

I am very pleased with the new camera...I'm still getting to grips with the settings...I'd like to limit the ISO as I do on my GX8 as some of the images have been a bit more grainy that I'm used to...but the macro capabilities are awesome for such a tiny camera...maybe I should Blip it sitting next to my GX8?  The GX8 is a small DSLR by most standards but the LX-15 is tiny!

My extra today is Arron listening to his Mom's watch...he's fascinated with watches!

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