My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

New opportunities

A-level results have been released and its always a day of high emotions for many. I've been involved in university recruitment for many years and have been on the clearing hotlines. Its a day when you feel you want to do all you can to help and advise to make sure students are guided to the right choices for them in what can feel a very panicked environment. I'm not doing clearing this year as I'm involved in registration activity but always feel connected to it.

I had glandular fever during the final year of my A-levels and suffered constant fatigue for almost six months so did not achieve the grades I was predicted. I didn't want to do resits so went through clearing. It was the best thing that could have happened to me. When I had originally applied to Uni it was to study History or Politics but I had changed since the application and ended up doing Marketing and Human Resource Management. I loved every moment of my time at Uni and the course was perfect for me.

I went for a drink with our COO this evening which has resulted in being offered an interesting opportunity which I need to consider carefully.

Sorry for the lazy blip and using another minifig. Its been a very tiring week so normal service should resume shortly.

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