Remembrance revisited

Mae'n wastad diddorol i ymweld â'r un lle mewn cyd-destun gwahanol.  Rydw i'n gweithio ger Gerddi Alexandra, felly rydw i'n gallu gweld y Cofadail bron bob dydd.  Heddiw es yn ôl i'r Cofadail a sefyll o dan y goeden lle roedd Nor'dzin a fi yn sefyll ddoe. Gallwn i  weld y torchau ar y ddaear a'r pabi ar y gât.  Unwaith eto roedd y lle yn dawel.

It is always interesting to visit the same place in a different context. I work near Alexandra Gardens, so I can see the Cenotaph almost every day. Today I went back to the Cenotaph and stood under the tree where Nor'dzin and I were standing yesterday. I could see the wreaths on the ground and at the poppy on the gate. Once again the place was quiet.

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