Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

She's home

Up early (hubby off early for work) so made the most of getting into work early. Vets eventually called around 10am and said Lili could go home, arranged to pick her up just after 12:30. Quick visit then into vets. Lovely surprise to see the previous vet who Lili liked, but had left to work in Bermuda, had returned to the practice. Didn't have the heart to moan about not hearing the previous evening, happy Lili going home and too much chatting with the vet.

Back home, quick run around the park after the ball before resting. I worked at home.

Lili ate tea, no problems. Took a brief trip to lace group, stopping off at my mums on the way. She was in bed, which Lili jumped on and started my mum laughing ++.

Back home and resting. :)

Sad news today, one of my lace ladies husband passed away (in hospital following an AAA). Sending hugs and love to her and their family :(


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