Sunset maths

Tonight's sunset was so truly, madly, deeply crimson it stole the limelight from the supermoon. I was stumbling and stomping about on my afterwork demented dog wrangle when I came across these two nomads on the hill. Just as well I did, darkness descended minutes later and the forest was pitch black so they followed me down, over root and mud, through the forest and back to their preferred status: sofa lounging, which, thanks to an Inservice in the Shire, they had been practising all day. So Tess was happy, but we made poor Sam head to Granda's house in the morning to start some extra tuition on maths. Got to exploit the family war chest where you can. He came back with a fully developed cold and a slightly better developed maths brain....but in his own words "it was really good, he helped me with something I didn't understand before".

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