
I set out tonight, like so many others, to catch the Full Moon.
Last night I practised for the event by finding a good spot and then determining all the photographic settings to yield the best result.
ISO level, exposure times, focal length, aperture, metering….the lot.
Tonight the whole area is blanketed in impenetrable cloud. Nevertheless, I set off in the hope of  an atmospheric moon, a chance to try something different.
There came not a glimmer of light. My spot is in an area favoured by dog walkers and inquisitive animals came up to sniff me, and threatened to knock over the tripod – or worse.
I tell you, Dog “If you come any closer, it will be the Dog who jumped over the Moon”
Then to cap it all, it started raining!
So I trudged home and I give you, not a perigee-syzygy, but some Moonstone earrings, raided from the jewellery box.
Moonstone is a variety of the feldspar-group of minerals. The phenomenon of scattering of light within this gemstone is called adularescence.
If you believe in the spirituality  of minerals, then this one has various desirable properties.
Relief of Photographer’s Frustration is not one of them

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