Hanging In There...

The last fuchsia in the basket ! According to flower folklore, the fuchsia symbolizes a warning so you will need to enchant it for protection. The magical intentions are to  spread energy and excitement into life. Now take note carefully and follow these instructions from the actual folklore.
Clap hands twice, say, Protection you will have, Protection you will need, there is no need for demon power, no need. Close your eyes and point your magic wand ( might be one in the kids toy box) if not your hand will do. Then, focus all your energy through the wand or hand. If you prefer, you can buy a Magic Spell Kit for almost anything on-line. At the moment they are on special offer (Real ones not children's ) This is a free one I have shown you so may not work well so use it at your own risk....I hope that covers me and I won't be put on the ducking stool !!!   Enjoy this bit of fun hahaxx

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