A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Diary of a Bookworm

It's no secret that I love to read....I am an avid reader and a proud bookworm.

Recently, I started to read books that classics or books that should be classics and have been recommended to me by friends. But this book is personal to me.

The story of Jaycee Dugard really plucked at my heart strings. Although she disappeared long two years before I was born, I remember being told what happened to her by my parents when she was brought up on the news. I remember the day that the news reported of her freedom, and her story is one of the reasons that I do my degree.

Her story, in my opinion, is a horrific tale, but an admirable one too. She has decided not to view herself as a victim but to see herself as a surviver. She does not dwell on the horror that occured to her, but instead focuses on the freedom that she has now been given. She is a role model to anyone because of the way she views life.

This book made me reassess the way in which I view my life, and reinforced in my head the saying my Dad always says "No matter how bad you have it, there is always someone else with bigger problems".

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