An implement for displacing soil or similar
This is my new pride and joy that I have lovingly reclaimed.
Find a stainless steel spade blade that has been discarded by builders because the shaft has snapped off.
Spend a very long time chipping off the cement then sand to a shiny finish
Drill the heads off one end of the two rivets and remove using a hammer and drift
Burn out the stump of the handle by placing the relevant part of the blade into the bottom of a slow-burning allotment bonfire. (See photo for bonfire serving suggestion)
Purchase on ebay:
One “Split Yd Straight Taper Toon Wood Replacement Handle Shaft 72cm 28” (NB Toon wood is from China, not Newcastle)
10x Rivets for spade handle
Use rasp to file down new handle so that it fits into the spade blade
Heat spade blade with a hot air stripper or similar so that it expands to accommodate the new handle better.
Insert handle and drill through the rivet holes from both sides.
Saw new rivets to correct length , insert, then bang them to b*ggery using big hammer on top of a steel block or vice in order to round over the other end of the rivets.
Job done!
Handle £9.49
10x Rivets £3.49 + £4.08 post and package = £7.87, Used 2 rivets so cost = £7.87 x 2/10 = £1.57
Labour (notional) 4 hours @ £2.50 an hour = £10
Total cost = £21.06
Cost of a new stainless steel spade in a shop (Based on a random sample of one garden centre) = £25
TOTAL SAVINGS = £25 - £21.06 = £3.94
In Other News
The answer to yesterday’s quiz was 800
Just say A TUN DREDD quickly
A tun is a very large barrel and Judge Dredd is a comic character.
Some of you cheated and consulted my home page (Yes I am looking at you AkkuV) So I award the prize* to Goateebooknerd who was the first to actually work it out.
* A lifetime free subscription to my Blip page
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