Just Bee

Friday :o)

The skies threatened thunder tonight - humid and oppressive - purple, low and rippled with texture... Opportunities abound for dramatic sky photo's.

But... heavy rain can kill a camera so before it hit I went out and blipped bees - even this cute guy who had no place to hide :o)

Catherine and I went up onto the moor and the clouds were black and deep, scudding across the sky beneath a white purple dome that encircled the world.

The sun would break through at whim and cast shadows deep and long and black while glimpses of rainbows were set on the horizon.

It was a night for deep conversation, setting the world to rights and enjoy the atmosphere. The rain politely held off and when we got home the evening was as warm as the warmest day of the year.

We sat outside nthe dark with candles and weekend drinks, completingthe book on how the world should be, until the rain finally came about half an hour ago.

Have a great weekend :o)

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