Where has she gone?

We are dog sitting tonight. D is out and DeJay is at home with us. Not the happiest little soul I'm afraid to say. He will go bonkers when she comes back!!

Update on yesterday's activities. We had a good run over to Worcestershire and managed to do the bank and solicitors before going to see G'dad. We were invited to his review at the home and apart from the food issue (not enough at times), he seems to be well settled. He had been into town for a haircut in the morning and was absolutely knackered!!

Over to Worcester to stay with D and a trip to deliver the "nicely polished box" to its owner, who was pleasantly surprised with the results!!

By the time we got to eat at 8.30pm, we were grateful that we had managed lunch about 12.00 (the toasty in yesterday's blip).

A rubbish night for me with little sleep!!! I had a cup of coffee with D before she went to work at 6am!! Not like me, I'm renowned for my ability to kip anywhere, any time!!

Hectic day..... packing the last bits for the charity shop, helping the bloke to empty the bungalow of furniture , cleaning the place, then over to report progress to G'dad. Next step is to get it on to the market.

Pleased to have a quiet night in with B & the dog!!!

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