Catch and Flee!!!

We walked around Commonwealth Lake after church today; it turned out to be pleasant outside this afternoon, not sunny but not raining. We saw quite a few of the Common Mergansers diving for their lunch but we only saw the females actually catching fish. The one in this photo was near a couple males who were in hot pursuit of her catch; she got away and made short order of the fish.....down she swallowed it!! They are fun to watch as they dive down with a quick upward motion and then a headfirst dive straight down, it they come up with a fish they immediately look around the dash off away from any other ducks.  :-))
Hubby is watching football now and I am looking at my photos; I still haven't replaced my damaged telephoto lens, so my photos are a bit disappointing. Oh well, life is not perfect in may ways.....I can deal with imperfect photos today. I will hold the memory of the ducks in the lake clearly.  Before Blipfoto that was all I Life is Better now....even if it is less than perfect.
I saw more people talking to each other today......taking time to listen to each other? is what our pastor preached about today.....listening to those who are fearful ....each in their own individual way....I wondered if all the people at the park had heard a similar sermon. I am feeling very hopeful that our citizens might become closer. Including more people into our circle of friends, so that no one feels marginalized.  When we actually talk, we find we are more alike than different.
Thanks for letting me speak my mind. Together (in conversation) we will overcome any hatred....real or perceived!!

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