Red Squirrel


Emergency Blip: Evening sky

BIG sky!

I've had a manic day. First a doctors appointment, then a hairdressers appointment after that - and the docs were running very late. So instead of having time at home for food and a cuppa before leaving for the hairdresser, I had to rush straight into town. My usual hairdresser is on holiday and the one who did my hair this time took forever. I then had to go into the opticians to try to find a new frame to my liking for my new lenses - something I've already tried twice to no avail, but they had a new selection in. As my employers pay the bulk of the cost I have to use the optician of their choice so can't look elsewhere (previously we could take the vouchers they give us anywhere we liked, and I''d used the same opticians for 20 years - they'd been quite happy to reuse my vintage frames, but this new one insist I chose from their selection - and I really dislike most of the the frames available nowadays). Once more I could find nothing I liked and left after about an hour feeling very pissed off fed up yet again. Then it was The Big Monthly Shop at my usual supermarket. After all that I didn't get home and finish unpacking until well after 7. Grrrrrr.
Of course I hadn't found a blip yet, but as I fed Tom I noticed that the combination of the clouds and the sun going down was producing a lovely evening sky. I grabbed my camera, took some shots and so that's today's blip sorted.

Oh, and if anyone says I should've gone to Specsavers I will scream very loudly and spit venom! lol

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