Autumnal window in the rain (Day 551)

The sunrise was stunning as my beautiful wife and I took the dogs up the hill this morning. HV's blip for today really is spectacular and you should have a look.
Back at home it was soon time for HV to head off to work, and I got on with a bit more of the wood butchery I started yesterday.
I took the dogs to Wasdale for a walk in the rain, and had a wander round the scrapyard. An old car is lying rotting, and has been invaded by a bush. The leaves press against the inside of the windscreen and are slowly turning brown. I thought I would have a go at an odd abstract shot today.
I spent the rest of the afternoon, butchering more wood, and have pretty much finished the little job I have been doing. It will be plasterboared sometime this week. Maybe.
Off for dinner with Mum and Dad and to collect Evie the Wonderdog who will will be staying with us whilst the parentage have a well deserved holiday.

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