a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Sunflower hearts every time

The pied woodpecker was back again today.  Instead of eating the peanuts, which are specially for the woodpecker and the tits, she made a bee line for the sunflower hearts.  As you can see, she is a little larger than the perch on the feeder was designed for.  

When she first spotted the sunflower hearts she clung onto the bottom of the feeder and managed to curl herself around to feed from the bottom feeding station.  She has since refined her approach and is quite adept at snaffling the hearts from the upper station where she seems more comfortable.

The other smaller birds were quite put out by her arrival initially.  As soon as she turned up they would clear off.  Now however, they seem quite used to her.  Its rare to see another bird on the sunflower hearts feeder while she is on it, but they seem prepared to take food from the other feeders.

Its been quite a weekend on the bird front.  In the last two days we've managed a wren, blue tits, coal tits, goldfinches, greenfinches, a dunnock and a pied wagtail as well as blackbirds, a robin, a crow and the ubiquitous wood pigeons and collared doves.  The last two help to clean up the mess the smaller birds leave, but I am gong to have to move the feeder as they've managed to leave a patch of bare earth beneath it.

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